MEDIBLINK Corn Plasters 8x M108
- With smoothing and protective action
- Protects against rubbing and pressure
- With a polyethylene foam
- With Salicylic Acid
- Dermatologically tested
- 8 individually packaged plasters in the box
Dermatologically Tested
Elérhetőség: Készleten
Intended use: For corn removal.
Mediblink Corn Plasters M108 with a polyethylene foam central disc perform a smooting and protective action, softening the skin and facilitating its mechanical removal, thus ensuring fast and pain-free corn removal. Moreover, their thickness protects the affected area against rubbing and pressure.
With Salicylic Acid. Dermatologically tested. 8 individually packaged plasters in the box.
Instructions for use: Before applying the patch, carefully clean and dry the affected part of the skin. Remove the patch from the protective paper and apply it, making sure that the corn is in the center. Change the patch daily.
Warnings: Only for use in the treatment of corns, for external use only. Do not use on cracked or irritated skin. Do not use on red, cut, or chopped skin. Once sensitization or irritation occurs, immediately stop treatment. Diabetics, pregnant women, women who breastfeed, children younger than 16 years should consult a doctor before using the product. Keep the product in its original packaging in a clean, dry, cool place. Keep out of reach of children. Contains 35–40% of salicylic acid. Do not use for longer than 2 weeks, unless advised by your doctor.
Barva | Nem |
Dimenzija | Nem |
Velikost | Nem |
Adapter priložen | Nem |
Druge posebnosti | Nem |
Garancija | Nem |
Indikator nepravilnega srčnega utripa (srčna aritmija) | Nem |
Indikator gibanja telesa med meritvijo | Nem |
Klinično testiran po ESH IP-2010 | Nem |
Merjenje tlaka med inflacijo manšete (hitro merjenje) | Nem |
Merjenje tlaka med deflacijo manšete (klasično merjenje) | Nem |
Možnost kasnejšega preverjanja točnosti meritve | Nem |
Možnost povezave z računalnikom | Nem |
Možnost priklopa na adapter | Nem |
Napihovanje manšete prilagojeno obsegu roke | Nem |
Opozori in opravi točno meritev v primeru srčne aritmije | Nem |
Osnovne značilnosti | Nem |
Osvetljen zaslon | Nem |
Povprečje meritev | Nem |
Prikaz meritve na grafu (po WHO standardu) | Nem |
Prikaz pritiska srčnega utripa | Nem |
Priložena torba za shranjevanje | Nem |
Priložen USB kabel in programska oprema | Nem |
Spominska mesta | Nem |
Točna meritev v primeru nepravilnega srčnega utripa | Nem |
Velikost manšete | Nem |
Velikost zaslona | Nem |
Vrsta priloženih baterij | Nem |
Vrsta manšete | Nem |
Vrsta merilnika | Nem |
Cev, dolžina cevi | Nem |
Druge posebnosti | Nem |
Garancija | Nem |
Glasnost | Nem |
Klinično testiran | Nem |
MMAD – povprečna velikost razpršenih delcev | Nem |
Možnost uporabe s fiziološko raztopino in/ali zdravilom | Nem |
Največji pretok (ml/min) | Nem |
Največji pritisk (bar) | Nem |
Operativni pretok (ml/min) | Nem |
Operativni pritisk (bar) | Nem |
PORR - % delcev manjših od 5 mikrona metra | Nem |
Posodica za fiziološko raztopino/zdravilo, velikost posodice | Nem |
Predviden čas inhaliranja (5ml fiziološke raztopine) | Nem |
Priložena torba za shranjevanje | Nem |
Primeren za odrasle in otroke | Nem |
Teža (kg) | Nem |
Ustni nastavek | Nem |
Vrsta maske | Nem |
Vrsta motorja | Nem |
Vsebuje prostor za shranjevanje rezervnih delov | Nem |
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